If you have been grappling with the riddle of the gambler’s phrase of defeat crossword, we possess the solution to your quandary! Crossword puzzles can be an exemplary way to invigorate your intellect, occupy your time, and challenge your mental faculties in one fell swoop. Admittedly, sometimes there exists a crossword clue that completely confounds us, whether due to our unfamiliarity with the subject matter at hand or simply a case of mind-block.
Do not allow yourself to be mortified if you are struggling to unravel a crossword puzzle clue! As you persist in this mental endeavor, you shall acquire invaluable experience in solving crossword puzzles, which in turn will enhance your ability to decipher clues with greater celerity.
Gambler’s loss phrase Crossword Clue Solutions
We have compiled a comprehensive list of potential solutions for the Gambler’s phrase of defeat crossword, as there exist multiple plausible answers to this riddle. This crossword clue was most recently featured on January 3, 2023, in the NYT Mini Crossword.
It is important to take note of the length of the answers provided below and cross-reference them with the required length of the answer space in the crossword puzzle you are currently attempting to solve. The correct solution to the Gambler’s phrase of defeat crossword clue is as follows:
1. ILOST (5 letters)
We have included a glossary of keywords that may aid in enhancing your comprehension of the crossword clue and its corresponding answer.
Clue & Answer Definitions
- Someone who is willing to risk loss or damage in the goal of gaining or experiencing thrill
- A person who bets money on the outcome of sporting events or games
PHRASE (noun)
- a phrase whose meanings cannot be deduced from the meanings of the words that comprise it
- A brief musical section
PHRASE (verb)
- put into words or a phrase
- phrase division, combination, or marking
The website of the New York Times newspaper now features a variety of games, such as Crossword, mini Crosswords, spelling bee, sudoku, and more. Some of these games can be played for free, while others require a subscription for full access.
In case you are searching for a larger, more challenging, and complete crossword puzzle, we have also provided all the answers for the NYT Crossword here. This resource could aid you in solving the puzzles, and if you encounter any issues with the solutions or anything else, don’t hesitate to inquire in the comments section.
The New York Times Mini Crossword can be played on the internet, but if you prefer to have it on your mobile device, you can download it from the following links:
Get It on Google Play Store
Get It on App Store
Play Online in NYTimes