If you’ve been watching WWE for the past three years, you know that Wrestlemania 40 is quickly approaching and that, like almost every tale during this time, it centres on one family: the Bloodline.
Many prominent Samoan wrestlers, like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Yokozuna, Rikishi, and Roman Reigns, are descended from a vast family tree that spans decades.
The Bloodline is arguably the largest family dynasty in pro wrestling history, even in an industry full with well-known families.
That made me wonder if any of the comparable family trees found in any video game stories could compete with the Bloodline.
I have selected a few deserving clans, and although we will never witness them compete with Roman’s family for supremacy, we may at least speculate as to who should be given credit.
Donkey Kong and the Kong Family
After launching his first punches at gamers in 1981, Donkey Kong became a fixture and an icon in the industry. Ever since, Nintendo’s well-known ape has grown into a vast family tree with several offspring, grandkids, nephews, and romantic partners, each connected by the name Kong.

There would be enough Kongs to fill several barrels if you added together all the Kongs that have appeared in video games, comic books, advertising, and the Donkey Kong Country animated series. In case you ever find it difficult to recall certain individuals, the infamous DK Rap can be a useful reference point. But if this fight turns into a rap fight, Roman’s cousins, the Usos, have the Kongs beat handily.
Belmont Family – Castlevania
The Belmont family of Castlevania has built a name for itself by being exceptionally skilled at accomplishing the same task: eliminating Dracula, much as the Bloodline. For generations, this legendary dynasty of vampire hunters has been throwing holy water and brandishing whips more skillfully than anyone else, but they’re also equally skilled at taking down all kinds of supernatural threats.

The terrible irony is that Dracula, their main enemy, is actually more connected to them than the later Belmonts may think. Because of the generational divide, we don’t frequently see the Belmonts cooperating, so whoever takes on Roman might find himself representing his family by himself, much like Cody Rhodes, which would put him at a serious disadvantage.
Pokémon Nurse Joys/Officer Jennys
Every town in the Pokémon anime has its own Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny, which is one of the longest-running jokes. They are not the same individual, but rather a visually identical member of two absurdly big police enforcement and medical dynasties. It seems inconceivable that dozens of siblings, cousins, first cousins, and other clone-like relatives could make up one family.
Assume that the Bloodline consisted solely of clones of Roman Reigns, with only his wise advisor Paul Heyman (who, unfortunately, was portraying Brock) able to distinguish minute variations like the length of his eyelashes and the colour of his teeth. Nurse Joy is far too nice for a one-on-one brawl, but Officer Jenny is always up for a good tussle. Her ever-present Arcanine could also deter a Solo Sikoa run-in that is sure to happen.
The Assassin’s Creed lineage of Desmond Miles
Given that there are more descendants than immediate family members, this one is intriguing. However, one would infer that there must be a large number of relatives between Desmond’s most well-known forebears, Altaïr and Ezio, for his bloodline to continue to this day.
The Animus’s sophisticated science-magic has made stabbing Templars in the neck a genetic rather than an acquired skill. Desmond would probably be the only person the Bloodline would have to deal with, but because to the science-magic of the Animus, he is able to channel the many talents (read: stabbing/climbing things incredibly well) of his predecessors.
The Feys: Super Lawyers
The Ace Attorney series appears to be solely focused on winning legal battles and shouting “OBJECTION” from the outside, but the franchise is deeply rooted in the paranormal. Mia Fey was a well-known defence lawyer and a descendant of spirit mediums who served as Phoenix Wright’s mentor. Following Mia’s passing, Maya, her vivacious younger sister, grows to be Phoenix’s enduring sidekick. Throughout the course of the series, players come across other Fey cousins.
Its structure of having a “main” family and many branch families of “lesser” siblings and their kin suggests that the family is much larger than the nine known members (all women, since only women can acquire the family’s spirit channelling skill). The Feys might play some cunning mind games by summoning the ghosts of Roman’s deceased brethren. The Feys could readily verify Cody Rhodes’ assertion that the grandfathers of Roman and Rock would be embarrassed of their wicked behaviour.
But the Feys are not without their internal conflicts, and in order to advance in the hierarchy, they have been known to commit murder—a division that the Bloodline may be able to take advantage of.
Psychonauts in the Aquato Family
While they may not be professional wrestlers, Raz’s family makes up for it as circus performers. Raz’s big and immediate family was skilled in water acrobatics, and they were called the “Flying Aquatos” on stage. However, their performance was ruined by an aquatic-related family curse.
This may be exploited by The Bloodline to set up a match on a real Island of Relevancy, which would bring up the trauma that Raz and his family had experienced for a long time. Conversely, Raz delving inside Roman’s mind and seeing what drives him would be an intriguing platforming exercise. Collectible luggage connected to the 2015 Royal Rumble would probably be hard to come by.